This week's tally: 17 miles

7 miles for Georgia!  She's slowly building up her mileage... like any new runner should!  :)

Still, not a great week tally for me!  The coming week will be hard. 

I hate Daylight's Savings Time.  I don't understand it.  It's an old custom.  We should stop doing it.  Most folks I know enjoy it being lighter longer anyway...

Plus, the weather will be changing :(  I prefer sunny and hot.  Give me crazy farmer's tans and let me sweat!  I think it just reminds me of the ol' Cross Country days.  With races at 3pm.  I feel good after a warm run... not tense and cold.

Regardless, I have to get out there.  The other option is to stay in and have a Border Collie pup go crazy.  Which in turn drives me crazy.  So, running it is! 


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