Race Report: Laguna Hills Half Marathon (May)

Do as I say, and not as I do...

That's the take away from this last weekend's race.  Why, you ask?  Well, for starters I was planning on competing in the 5k.  The Ladies were running it.  It was supposed to be a nice, social fun race.  Besides, we ran (well hiked some too) 8 miles on Saturday in Whiting Ranch... my legs were already toast - at least my hip flexors were!  Not to mention, this coming weekend I'm running the Fontana (Fontucky) Half.  The Half were PRs come from.... so why was I standing in line and debating with myself:  Half Marathon or 5k??  It should have been a no brainer!

And no brains is exactly what I got!  Filled out my little scantron to register for the Half Marathon.  Well, it was just too tempting to say no to.

Laguna Hills Half is a great local race.  I'm surprised it doesn't sell out or get more of a showing.  The weather almost always cooperates, it's right in our backyard, and they have a pretty good expo after the race. 

The race takes place on Memorial Day, so I trekked down to Road Runner Sports at 3pm.  Exactly 1 hour before the close of pre registration.  (That's how much I was waffling between the right thing to do, and the Half)  Registration was easy.  Packet Pickup was easy.  Last minute shopping for race supplies... yup, easy! 

Fast forward to day of the race: 
Parking at Laguna Hills Mall, makes this race pretty seamless.  I literally rolled up 25 minutes before race start (which explains why when the gun went off, I was in the port-a-potties).  Off we go, through Leisure World, down Paseo de Valencia, past the finish line at Laguna Hills HS, and out towards Aliso Creek Woods for an out and back.  Rolling hills, hot pavement, varied scenery and plenty of friends to exchange hellos with = good time!

My only gripe (which is my consistent gripe with this race for the last 9 years) is the finish line.  You have to climb a (short) steep hill about 200 yards away, then take a sharp left turn into the finish line... not much chance to get a "kick" at the end. 

Onto the breakdown...

Race Perks:
  • A relatively inexpensive Half Marathon ($65 to register day before)
  • Easy registration.  You can sign up day of the race.  Reminds me when Surf City (formally Pacific Shoreline Half) was small enough where you could do the same.
  • Parking was super easy! 
  • Small, local course.
  • Point-to-point race (I prefer this because you see more)
  • Shuttles back to the start were easy (short lines)
  • Medals were pretty cool with a die cut design and camouflaged ribbon
  • Weather usually is perfect conditions = sunny and cool
  • If you aren't afraid of a challenge, the rolling hills make for a fun ride
  • Festival after race was entertaining and family friendly
  • Beer Garden offered
  • Kids race is just adorable!
What sucks about this race:
  • Admittedly, it's a local race.  So, if you tend to run Aliso Creek Trail - there's nothing new!
  • Aid Stations offered what I consider small water cups.  It was a hot day, and I needed more hydration!
  • I'll say it again:  That hill and sharp left turn at the finish line, really screws up your kick!
  • Beer Garden.  I know I put this as a perk, but hear me out... you had to buy your ticket during registration... a slow person like me did not pick this up until the day of the race (from the port-a-potties) when they announced all 450 drink tickets have been sold.  Bummer!  Plus, when I went to check it out it was in the corner with very few people.  Kind of like the punishment corner... I went home for my beer instead.
Many friends shun this race.  They think it's too hard with the rolling hills, and too boring because we run it during training.  However, I really like this race.  If I'm in town over Memorial Weekend I run it.  Like I said, it takes me back to when Surf City was a small town race, where you were a big fish, in a small pond...

I give it an 8 out of 10!


  1. Yay Shannon-- you are a rock star!!

    Laguna Hills holds a special place in my heart-- it was my (intended) first half-marathon...until I decided to go to Palos Verdes with some of the girls as a practice first :-) I was introduced to flag man at this race. I still have the pint glass that we got instead of medals that year due to the last minute change in sponsorship.

  2. That's right! The glasses!!!! I remember seeing those!!!! Hilarious "medal"...

    And yes the flag man was there again this year. A staple!


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