Last Week - 31 Miles w/ MRs and a 16 Miler

Raise your hand if you've felt this:
Fantastic Week!  Legs performing well!  Body holding up... Nevermind I was TOO FAST on all my runs.  That can't be bad, right?

Yup, the infamous talk you have with yourself.  Debating your Training Paces and telling yourself it's ok...  

This week was a solid week.  I got all my Purposeful Workouts in, and a few "Easy" Runs to keep Georgia happy.  I managed to exceed my Pace on almost every one... uh oh.

Tues Night The Ladies and I hit the track.  This was our first session of Mile Repeats, which meant we had 1 Mile warm up/cool down and 3 Miles of Repeats.  Oftentimes, the feelings towards Track Work is equivalent to voluntarily having your eye poked with a fork... not exactly what you enjoy doing.  But hard work does pay off... so, with some mixed emotions we toed the line at the track and began our workout.

Mile 1 of the Repeats:  Too Fast.  Mile 2 of the Repeats:  Too Fast.  Mile 3 of the Repeats... physically holding myself back to hit my mark.  I ended up being still 10 seconds Too Fast. 

On Mile 3 of my Repeats I had an epiphany... Mile Repeats does not necessarily mean run a Mile as fast as you can.  We all make this mistake... once we hit the track,all those feelings of High School Track/Run til you Puke come back.

My epiphany was:  Mile Repeats are about 30 seconds faster than my GMP.  I'm picking up my pace, slightly.  I'm not killing myself, I'm just working on my cadence and improving my ability to flush out lactic acid during a Run. 

So remember:  Track work does not always mean, fast.  It means picking up things.  Knowing your workout/pace, and doing everything you can to hit it... including, slowing down.

My next two Purposeful Workouts both missed the mark as well.  Proving that hitting your pace is harder than one thinks.  Thursday's GMPs = too fast.  Saturday's Long Run (both) slow pace & GMP = too fast. :(

At this rate, I won't know what pace I'm trying to hit at the Marathon.  It could prove to be a dangerous thing if I don't get this under control by 6/3.

So, the lesson from this week's Workouts:  Slow it down, listen to your body and hone in on your Pace.  You won't be successful if you can't identify when you are going too fast for your Goal.  And you can't be faster than Goal Marathon Pace, and expect to hold that Pace for 26.2 Miles. 


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