Once you say it, you better do it... for better or worst!

Originally the intention of this post was, "if you tell someone about your Long Run, then you will do it...  A sure fire way to commit to your training plan."

Again, that was the original intention.

So here's the setup:
Yesterday I was supposed to run my 16 mile Long Run.  This is the same Long Run that I postponed due to "rain" on Saturday.  Looking back, I'm SO disappointed I didn't run Saturday... !

I severely lacked motivation!  I LOVE running with The Ladies.  They are a fantastic group of women who love running and their energy (as well as their big hearts) it's just infectious!  So, when I missed Saturday's run... I lost my determination, immediately.  Now, my Long Run was solely on my shoulders... I needed to rally my quickly deteriorating motivation.  Suddenly, all the "when, where, what's" of my 16 Miler, felt overwhelming and I was tempted to skip the run altogether.  I mean, doesn't a movie sound better?

Now because of this, I decided to apply my safety net.  My safety net is to tell everyone I'm running 16 miles. This way I was accountable.  I told The Ladies, I told my friends, I told my tax guy (I had an appointment on Monday), I told anyone who asked... "Monday, I'm running 16 miles".  If I put it out there, then I HAD to do it, right?  I mean, what's more humiliating than saying you'll do something, and not?

Net, net... my commit was slipping.

I had by far, The Worst Long Run of my life! Period. 

It was awful!  And I'm only writing this in hopes of striking a cord with someone else who had their worst day and got through it!

So, Monday... I finally talk myself into my Long Run... at 2:30pm!  I mean I cleaned the house, did the laundry, researched *stuff* online, and talked with old friends... THEN, I hit the trail for my run.  I'm sure I could have thought of more things to do to procrastinate, but now I was up against Day Light's Saving Time and had to go or risk being caught out when the streetlights were on.  Off I go from my house to the Aliso Creek Trail.  8 miles of downhill bliss.  8 miles away from my house to Snails Pace.  8 miles that initially felt great.

Then.  I turned around.  And I had 8 miles all uphill.  8 miles back home without a cell phone.  8 miles with rain clouds in the distance.  8 miles that SUCKED!

I bonked 2 miles in on the way back.  Nothing.  No gas in the tank.  And I was a LONG way from home... walking and now cold. 

It's a wonderful reminder... running is a humiliating sport.  It reminds you that you can have your legs wiped out from beneath you without warning.  And that humble pie took me 56 minutes to walk 4 miles back home.  Now I was walking, cold AND embarrassed. 

I don't usually bonk this bad during a Saturday morning run with The Ladies.  Usually I am prepared.   But perhaps all my dinky-doodling throughout the day ruined my chances of, both, mentally and physically preparing for my Long Run.  I might have, unknowingly, sabotaged my chances of finishing 16 miles.

I'm better now.  After 2 glasses of wine last night and 3 Advil’s... my ego has been restored.  I'm ready to tackle that 16 miler again... this time I plan to kill it!  So for those who head out for their Long Runs and things just don't fall into place... this post is for you.

And just so it's out there... I'm Running 16 Miles Saturday!  This time, I hope for better!


  1. We've all been there! But what were you thinking, running the downhill part for the FIRST 8 miles? You know "The Ladies" would never have even planned the run that way. xo


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