Race Report: Road Runner Sports Adventure Run (May)

The Ladies found this Race back in March.  It's inaugural was April and due to a work obligation I couldn't make it.  No worries, the Adventure Race takes place the first Thursday of every month!  So, this past week, I was hell bent on making it...

Think part Urban Race, part Amazing Race and a little scavenger hunt.  That's the Adventure Run. 

We met at Road Runner Sports in Laguna at 5:30.  Picked up our... wait for it... BEER TICKET (and other stuff) with registration.  There were about 60 Runners chatting it up with friends and about 6-7 Pop-up tents to peruse:  ASICS, Stingers, Compression Socks, etc.  Participants were allowed to run in the shoes/socks during the Race with the simple act of handing over your drivers license.  A nice touch... although it made me laugh how many post race announcements were made to "return your shoes or compression socks before you leave!"  Hope that worked out.

The course map.

After a few minutes of collecting our group, we headed over to the semi truck to wait for the map unveiling.  Adventure Run reveals the course at the beginning of the Race.  You are given a slip of paper and a pen to write down the different check-ins to get tickets.  The more savvy folks take out their smart phones and snap a shot of the map... then hit the trail quickly.  Our group was a combination of both... regardless there was an err of excitement to get going quickly.

 Off we went to the first and closest location - Expedia Cruises.  Here's where the strategy comes into play:  some folks bypass the closest check ins knowing there's going to be a bottleneck.  Instead they opt to go to the furthest out.  Me:  I had no clue what I was doing and just followed the crowd.  I figured today I'd play the part of a sheep... and not attempt to spin off on my own.

check ins...

After about 5 check-ins with The Ladies, I decided to catch up with a group heading out to one of the furthest check-ins.  Once I closed in on them, I realized some folks take this "fun run" a little too seriously.  I was greeted with a cold shoulder and even a false lead to a check in.  Hm!  Not exactly my type of crowd!  After the third attempt to set me on a bad trial, I finally said something:  "I don't like this Race, everyone is so rude.  Not at all a Runner's attitude!"  My new crowd took the hint and became more friendly/helpful.  Even showing me the quickest way back to Road Runner's while picking up two more check ins.  Well, then... I guess we all need to be reminded we aren't winning a Honda at the end of the course!

Net, net... you have an hour to find as many check ins as you can.  The more check ins, the more tickets.  The more tickets, the more entries into the raffle for prizes:  $500 to Road Runner, free ASIC shoes, etc.  Oh, and there's a FREE BEER at the finish line (I love that Renegade threw that in!).
That  FREE BEER helped to change the attitude felt on the course.  Folks were sitting in the parking lot, laying out their tickets, socializing with friends while enjoying their beverage.  Spirits lifted.

At the end of the day, I'll give the Adventure Run another shot.  I just hope the spirit of the participants change and they realize we aren't actually on The Amazing Race.

Perks of the Race:
  • FREE BEER - one free beer for those over 21 with registration, (2) free beers if you've purchased an Adventure Race T-Shirt ($25 - also gets you extra tickets at check ins)
  • Free registration - yup!  Can't beat that!
  • Chance to win prizes via the raffle - $500 worth of merchandise to Road Runner, Free ASICS, etc
  • Opportunity to try on the newest ASICS shoes and compression socks
  • Post Race raffle and beer garden = happy participants
  • Fun, scavenger type Run through Lake Forest/Laguna Hills - seeing folks Running crazy on the sidewalks made me giggle and invoked some car honks
  • A great way to mix up your weekday run
  • Well organized:  each participant received a Ziploc baggie and pen to collect their tickets and write down which check ins are on the course
  • Nicely coordinated - map course, route and participating check in locations
  • Not just a Run - many of the check ins had us doing push ups and/or squats
  • Leading up to the Race you register and receive reminders for the upcoming Run
  • A post, POST Run Celebration at Woody's Diner for more opportunities to get in a raffle
Things that suck about this Race:
  • Not at the fault of the Race Organizers... but folks, let's check out attitudes and remember this is for fun
  • Some glitches on the website, prevented communications from going out to participants before the Run

  • Slightly misleading on the gift prizes... $500 on select merchandise at Road Runners, not a $500 gift certificate to Road Runners... there's a difference (also, it would be great to not get a gift certificate to the Adventure Run Shirt, since many already have it in order to be submitted in the special drawing)
Overall, a great idea to get folks out and Running.  I think it swings more beginner, but it's not to say the more "veteran" Runners aren't having fun too.  I recommend you give it a shot... I mean you don't have anything to lose and only FREE BEER to gain! 


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