Race Report: Xterra Crystal Cove 17k Trail Run (Dec)
Event Whore is trying to pawn his nickname off to me...
So... I signed up for back-to-back races this past weekend. I admit I got a little over zealous! In both instances I got caught up in the excitement of Running with my friends. Make Room For Santa was with The Ladies. Xterra Trail Run was with The Fab5.
The four of us walked down to the Start/Finish/Expo area. Impressive. Both Shirtless Josh and I agreed the set up was much larger than when we ran it last. The section was fenced off, creating an expo feel with the Pop-up Tents from both the Sponsors and Local Running Clubs. The Race Director was a character (Ok, I admit. I was crushin'), cracking jokes and pumping everyone up. As Shirtless Josh pointed out, I managed to get on the mic for one split second... I think it was just good positioning on my part - being right next to the Race Director increased my chances. During the Race Meeting he outlined the course and gave a rundown of the wildlife out there to be on the watch for (like the Bobcat).
The course itself is in the heart of Crystal Cove State Park. The 17k folks take off at 8am and the 5k folks took off at 9am. Expect to "color outside the lines" with Xterra... and by that I mean, a day or two before the Race I received an email "5K is now a 6k... oh, and the 17k is now a 15k". In other words, don't bring you Type A personality here... you need to go with the flow.
Trekking on, we came to the crest of the hill and we were greeted with a gradual climb. Then around the corner, WHAM! A series of rock climbs steep enough to slow everyone to a walk - not just me. Up at the top, the trail narrowed down to a single track. The single track did two things 1) slowed everyone down to the pace of the person in front of them - in our case that was a slower walk 2) allowed you the opportunity to bond with your fellow Racers - and bond, and joke we did... Here's something that really intrigued me during the race - not once did anyone complain about the challenges of the course. I guess it's the "go with the flow" attitude and the sick minds of all of us that decided climbing 900 feet in the course of 9+ Miles. I was in like company.
The Fisherman was kind, and he stuck around Shirtless Josh (recovering from a cold) and me, but eventually he smartened up and took off. Shirtless Josh, dragging from the cold, me dragging just because... we started to wonder if the Mile Markers were long. You'd think we'd know by now: Road Pace does not equal Trail Pace!
During the Race Meeting, we were told to watch out for The Elevator and The Wall. I kept asking, "are we going up or going down, said Elevator and Wall??" No one really seemed to know. Likewise, no one seemed to know where these two obstacles were in the Race. One woman exclaimed, "I think I've been at The Wall three times already on this course!"
So... I signed up for back-to-back races this past weekend. I admit I got a little over zealous! In both instances I got caught up in the excitement of Running with my friends. Make Room For Santa was with The Ladies. Xterra Trail Run was with The Fab5.
As most Race Registration goes with the Fab5, we were talking big game a few months back about all the wonderful Races out there over Celebration Cocktails. Xterra's Crystal Cove Trail Run came up. Both Shirtless Josh and I had done the run at least once. As a group we decided we should do it! ... At the end of the day three of us ran it.
The three of us met up outside of the Race Site to avoid the $15 Beach Pass (The Fisherman had a State Park Pass). As we prepped for the Race, Michelle (sans nickname just yet) pulled up. Although Recovering from her successful Ironman the week before, she rolled out of bed to cheer us on (it appears Event Whore was coerced without success... something about an Xmas party the night before).

Overall, I think there were about 300 Runners. And in case you didn't know, the Trail Runners are a slightly different breed from Road Runners. You can tell they have more of an edge. Maybe it's because all their clothes are stained with the dust from the trail... or maybe it's just that they are all pretty cut and ripped... or so it seemed on Sunday.
Lined up. Race Director counting down... finally we push off.
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One of The Ladies, me and The Fisherman |
Heading out onto the 17k (now 15k) course, the three of us chatted away happily. We ran with some of the Ladies, exchanging some anxiety over what was to come. About a 1/2 Mile in the chatter dulled. About 3/4 Mile in we hit our first hill... About Mile 6/8 I walked. Yup, this was gonna be tough!
Trekking on, we came to the crest of the hill and we were greeted with a gradual climb. Then around the corner, WHAM! A series of rock climbs steep enough to slow everyone to a walk - not just me. Up at the top, the trail narrowed down to a single track. The single track did two things 1) slowed everyone down to the pace of the person in front of them - in our case that was a slower walk 2) allowed you the opportunity to bond with your fellow Racers - and bond, and joke we did... Here's something that really intrigued me during the race - not once did anyone complain about the challenges of the course. I guess it's the "go with the flow" attitude and the sick minds of all of us that decided climbing 900 feet in the course of 9+ Miles. I was in like company.
The Fisherman was kind, and he stuck around Shirtless Josh (recovering from a cold) and me, but eventually he smartened up and took off. Shirtless Josh, dragging from the cold, me dragging just because... we started to wonder if the Mile Markers were long. You'd think we'd know by now: Road Pace does not equal Trail Pace!
During the Race Meeting, we were told to watch out for The Elevator and The Wall. I kept asking, "are we going up or going down, said Elevator and Wall??" No one really seemed to know. Likewise, no one seemed to know where these two obstacles were in the Race. One woman exclaimed, "I think I've been at The Wall three times already on this course!"
I'll tell you this much... there's no question once you hit The Wall. I literally was using all fours to climb and was fearful I'd slide back down. It was a vertical rock climb - I'm not kidding. Like flys stuck on a strip of glue, we all attempted to move forward. Laughing as we did at the ridiculousness of this.
Finally at the top, you are rewarded with a nice rolling ridge with an amazing view. I had to remind myself to pull my head up and look around, often. I didn't want to roll my ankle on the uneven trail, but I also didn't want to finish this Race and not take in it's perk - the scenery! Lucky for us, we had a clear, crisp, sunny day!
Around Mile 7-8 the 5k (I mean, 6k) folks join us on the ridge. Off to the right you see a breathtaking view of the coastline up towards Long Beach. Up in front of you is a view of Emerald Bay and the Pacific Ocean. And just when your calves are screaming at you to give them a break from all the climbing... you dip down to give your quads some torture. Heading towards the Race Finish, you have about a 3/4 Mile steep downhill grade. Good if you are picking up some speed, bad if your knees aren't used to supporting your body weight (x4 due to the pull). Even worst for your toes if your shoes aren't at least 2 sizes bigger.
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Shirtless Josh and I running down steep grade towards Finish line. |
Running into the Finishing Shoot, we saw The Fisherman and Michelle. Shirtless Josh and I kicked it in... I'm waiting on the photo finish on who out sprinted (or in my case jumped) across the Finish line first.
Regrouping with Michelle (best cheerleader) and The Fisherman (I'm not sure but I think he had time to shower and change by the time we got in), we took in the Expo. And what an Expo it was! Walking around you had a chance to grab a Pomegranate Citrus drink. Continue onto the 13.1 Tent and grab some breakfast - like eggs, croissants, muffins, coffee type of breakfast - not the continental crap! Hang out and listen for chances to raid the Announcers Tent for free schwagg. It was nicely done!
After chatting with some fellow Triathletes, Trail Running and Road Running Friends we grabbed our Drop Bags and headed to Javiers for some "bonding" (a.k.a. mercilessly raggin on each other).
Perks of the Race:
- Fantastic scenic trail race in Crystal Cove State Park
- Expo/Post Race festivities that include hot breakfast!
- Raffles and schwagg during Post Race Festivities
- Gotta say it, a Race Director that's entertaining... (and not just because he gave me the mic)
- Hills, hills, hills - if you like that kind of thing
- One of the few Races where the participants are actually, genuinely encouraging and joking around with each other (*heart*)
- Decent support with Bathrooms and Aid Stations
- Believe it or not, they actually had Volunteers out there! Poor kids just deposited out in the middle of nowhere for Bobcats and Rattlesnakes to mess with - but you're presence was MUCH appreciated!
- In addition to the cool medal - you get a badge of honor = dirt covered shoes, socks and legs
- Our group discussed the shirt Post Race - it really was that cool
Things that suck about this Race:
- $80+ dollars for Registration - OUCH!
- $15 for Parking - Double OUCH!
- Communications on the Race changes could have been called out more. In some instances you really had to dig to find out your Race Distance changed
- Be prepared (or be fast to avoid) for congestion on Single Track portions of the course
- Hills, hills and The Wall - if you don't like that kind of thing
- Steep, steep, steep downhills to torture your quads and toes
- Beer Garden would have been nice
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