Trail Review: Salt Creek

The last few weeks I've been running with some Triathlete friends.  They are getting ready for a Half Ironman on 9/25, so we agreed to run part of the course to help get them prepared.  Rumor has it, the run course for the tri is challenging... hm!

7am we meet up at the parking lot for Salt Creek Beach.  As I was driving in it began to rain. Strange... it's September and just Wednesday, it was sunny and hot.  Should have been prepared, but wasn't.  Oh well!

Once the gang paid for parking, prepped for the run and waiting out the hail storm (yes, hail), we pushed off.

After about 5 minutes of running beach front, we turn right and head through a tunnel.  Surfacing on the other side my mind starts to piece things together... this is Sandy's Trail!  (Sandy's Trail: 10 mile trail The Ladies and I will run periodically.  Named after one of the runners who discovered it.  Also, one of our least favorite trails because of the rolling hills... and rolling hills.  Come to think of it, when speaking of Sandy's Trail, there's a little distaste in our mouths... Sorry Sandy!)  Now, that I figured out we were basically running the reverse of one of Our hardest trails, I started to worry.  Slightly.

The trail is actually very scenic.  It takes you past the golf course, along a white fence and through a quiet valley.  The heart of the trail takes you along three or four "rolling" hills.  One of which you can spot about a half mile away.  Hunker down and get through it...

Once you've gotten through the "meat" of the trail you level out on a nice flat until you hit a baseball field.  Don't get too comfortable.  You've more work to do... 

Up the hill to the Dog Park.  (Remember, what goes up must come down - at least that's what I was telling myself...)  Good thing I didn't overdo the wine the night before :)

The trail does push you off onto the main street, but it's not more than 200 yards at the top of the hill that (ding!) we hit our 5 miles out.  Time to head home!

I can say this:  The trail does live up to it's reputation.  Thank God I had great company and conversation to take my mind off the high heart rate ;)

Perks of Salt Creek Trail:
  • Off the beaten path and in a quiet valley
  • Partial run along the beach front and past golf courses
  • A decent showing of other runners and bikers along the path
  • Challenging hills and "just in time" flats - just to keep it interesting
Things that suck about this trail:
  • Paying for parking - it's only $1 per hour, but still...
  • It's an out and back course
  • The most you can get on the trail is 10 miles (round trip)
  • Make sure to bring your water belt/fuel belt.  As far as I could tell the only water fountain was at the baseball field about 4 miles in.
  • Same to be said regarding bathroom breaks
Wishing the folks running Orangeman luck!  And since the run is primarily the hilly portion of the Salt Creek trail (twice), you'll need it! 

I hope to get down there with my Cowbell to cheer you on! 

Overall, I give this trail a 6 out of 10.  Not my favorite but a good way to mix things up and train on rollers.


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